How Long Does Post-COVID Fatigue Last?
Fatigue from viral illnesses is a common symptom, as is infection with COVID-19. But the severity and duration of this fatigue distinguishes COVID-19 from the common cold or even the flu. It can leave patients feeling dull and tired all the time, feeling like the work you were doing before is now impossible. For most people with COVID-19, this feeling goes away after two or three weeks. However, if you are still feeling tired weeks or months after your initial infection, you may have long covid brain fog.
Post-viral fatigue is one of the most common symptoms among COVID long-haulers, with nearly half reporting this Long symptom weeks or months after the initial infection. Patients describe this fatigue as more than just feeling physically tired after training in the gym. It's accompanied by a host of other symptoms, such as body aches, headaches, sleep problems and brain fog.
This could be due to an overreaction of the body's immune system, breathing problems caused by a virus, disruption of the autonomic nervous system, and more. Numerous studies have confirmed that even after the symptoms of the initial infection have completely disappeared, human infection with the new coronavirus can produce long-lasting side effects, which we call Long COVID-19 symptoms. The effects of these post-coronavirus sequelae are mainly fatigue, general weakness, orthostatic intolerance, shortness of breath, palpitations, haze, loss of taste and smell, joint pain, insomnia, type 2 diabetes, hair loss and impotence.
What does post-COVID fatigue feel like?
According to the How Long Will Symptoms Of Brain Fog Last After Being Infected With Covid-19? paper, the clinical manifestations of Long COVID fatigue were summarized, and it was found that fatigue symptoms caused by COVID-19 were closely related to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/ CFS) are very similar. Many COVID long-haulers experience a debilitating array of symptoms, including shortness of breath, muscle pain and a persistent cough. Fatigue is another symptom to add to the list.
Every patient describes post-COVID fatigue slightly differently. Some people say they feel exhausted, lack energy, weak, unable to motivate themselves, or sleepy. For others, it's more about how fatigue affects them, causing problems with short-term memory, irritability, or dizziness, for example.
Some patients feel tired all the time, while others experience it after brief bouts of strenuous activity. For some people, this feeling of fatigue fluctuates: some days, patients feel fine and are able to participate in their daily activities. Other times, they feel powerless with debilitating symptoms. Prolonged COVID-induced fatigue has a physical component, including low energy and sleepiness, and a cognitive component, such as brain fog or difficulty concentrating. Post-COVID fatigue doesn't go away with extra sleep.
Symptoms of post COVID-19 fatigue include physical, cognitive and behavioral complications such as persistent tiredness. Short-term memory problems, difficulty concentrating, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation, unresponsiveness, impaired motor skills, poor decision-making, mild to severe headache, dizziness and nausea, muscle aches, joint pain and weakness, moodiness and irritability A weakened immune system, blurred vision, seek medical help immediately if you notice your symptoms worsening rapidly.
What Causes Post-COVID Fatigue?
Some of the most likely explanations for post-COVID fatigue include some combination of: respiratory problems, neurovascular coupling dysfunction, autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction, gastrointestinal problems, exaggerated immune response, dysfunctional mitochondria, secondary fatigue, Many Long COVID-19 patients develop breathing problems months after their initial diagnosis.
Breathing problems can reduce the amount of oxygen circulating in the body. When your oxygen levels are low, you feel tired. This creates a dangerous cycle. If you feel tired and lethargic due to low oxygen levels, you are less likely to be physically active. If you don't exercise, you may lose energy and tire more easily.
Fatigue after coronavirus infection may also be caused by changes in blood vessels in the brain. In a healthy brain, nerve cells get their energy and oxygen from surrounding blood vessels. This connection is called neurovascular coupling (NVC). COVID-19 disrupts the flow of oxygen and nutrients within the brain by disrupting communication between neurons and blood vessels. As a result, some parts of the brain function less well than they should. This is called neurovascular coupling (NVC) dysfunction.
Depending on the brain area affected, this can cause different symptoms. A region of the brain called the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) is responsible for the transition between sleep and wakefulness. According to the LongCovidCareCenter team, if this area is affected, persistent fatigue may result. No matter which brain area is affected, you will feel tired because of the extra work your brain has to do to manage your daily activities. If you are suffering from long covid brain fog, please contact us in time to give a comprehensive examination and determine long covid brain fog treatment.